Monday, 28 November 2011

Illustration - Amnesty International

I've been asked to complete a task in which I have to design an A3 coloured poster supporting Amnesty International.
They support many charities including ones that help sufferers in domestic abuse, which is what I chose to do. I some research into some of the artists relating to the problem, such as Guerrilla Girls and Barbara Krugar which have both inspired me with some of my sketches and my final piece.

Here's a few of my sketches

And my final piece in colour. (I spent a lot of time on the anatomy and the proportions of the face). This was done in a CAD program called Paint Tool Sai and edited more on Photoshop CS4 -

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Review on Breathless

I really enjoyed this film because I like how Michel and Patricia developed a loving relationship slowly as the film goes on. Michel at first seems to be a cocky character running away from the police continuosly. With Patricia, it was an odd relationship as she was stubborn to help him and to actually be close with him because he was on the run with the police. She does eventually help him but it truly shocked me near the end where she had betrayed him so that the police could capture him.

At first it was hard to understand, but as the film continued, you seem to get a grasp on what's going on, mostly between Michel and Patricia as that gave us a confusing perspective on them. I do love the artistic and misty feel in the film and I love how the relationship between Michel and Patricia developed in an unusual way. I found it quite romantic and would definitely recommend this film.

Saturday, 5 November 2011


And welcome to my blog! This is somewhat a starting portfolio featuring all of my best artistic works to show off to you all. So please keep your eyes peeled! I will start adding things in sometime this week! Thanks for visiting <3